So post one, my identity crisis! Yes, I own yellow and pink
skinny pants and even a mustard cardigan, while also owning enough camouflage to
outfit a militia. I like blowing on a steamy cup of coffee with my hipster
friends, while day dreaming about blowing into my game calls in the middle of nowhere!
My justification…I have rural AND urban camouflage! I am who I am, I can
embrace the confusion and live an extraordinary life!
I work in a church in a county where there is a church on
every corner. With that said I can safely say that the church has an identity
crisis! I talk to people all the time who are frustrated with the differences
in church culture, others are so frustrated because the church is not what they
think it should be. To the later, I would say are you what you should be?
This blog will not be about pointing out the faults within
the body of Christ, but more a call for an understanding that yes indeed…WE ARE
JACKED UP! Jesus is not surprised, the bible acknowledges that even the early
church had issues, and we see at the end of the story that churches have issues
until the day of Christ’s return.
So together we will try to embrace the identity crisis, acknowledge
that we are different and celebrate that the church has both urban and rural camouflage.
Together hopefully we can encourage each other the way Paul
encouraged what could possibly be the most jack up church in history…
“Finally, brothers,
rejoice. Aim for restoration, comfort one another, agree with one another, live
in peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you.”
-Paul’s conclusion to his letters to the church in Corinth.