Hello Friends!
I hope and pray that you are all experiencing an incredible Holy Week! I also trust that if you did something during the Lenten season, that God spoke to you and refreshed you! Sorry for the long absence! I started sharing some thoughts about my reading but then realized that the time I gained from a lack of FB was being eaten up writing!
I love the Gospels and reading about how Jesus taught, lived, and interacted with those He came in contact with during His time on earth. As I read the Gospels and took time to seek God I was burdened with some things going on in the name of Christ. I am going to crack open one today and save the other one for after we celebrate the EMPTY TOMB!
First, we don't need REVIVAL, we need JESUS!
I am writing this because I hope that some will read this and ponder some of the red flags I will present with the modern "revival or reawakening movement" and take caution! As I have spent time in the Gospels and listening to Jesus respond to people a huge gap has appeared. I believe that at large this movement is doing nothing but challenging unity and authority in the local church and presenting more legalism in the form of evangelism.
Red Flag 1- a disconnect from the local church! Many people I talk to connected to a movement or desiring revival are not connected in a local church. The reason they are not is because they are not satisfied with the workings of the local church. Unfortunately it seems as though they are casting judgment upon congregations based on their personal preference rather than an informed understanding of the structure as a whole. The Bible is the ultimate authority, if it's not in the Bible then it is your preference and you can't hold the church accountable to your personal convictions! If you are not serving in your local church you are not connected and probably have a very limited understanding of the actual ministry taking place! If there are things you don't like get involved, SERVE, get MESSY! It's not perfect and until Christ comes back it never will be because it is full of imperfect people JUST LIKE YOU! And the reality is there is far more ministry taking place that you can't see and don't hear about because you are not connected. Like people who are investing in their co-workers, or their neighbors, or visiting nursing homes or hospitals, just because it is not large crowds and abusive evangelism does not mean you have the option of discounting it! Jesus got personal and messy with 12. So why discount the many individuals that are part of the local church that quietly live their lives in the trenches faithfully reflecting the love of Christ to those in their immediate circles?
Number 2, these revival circles appear to be judging not loving! Every conversation I have starts with a criticism of the "sleeping" or "dead" people filling churches every week! Which I follow up with how do you know that, to which I get a response similar to "no fruit" or "no passion during worship." Even though they may have only attended a few times, and have no personal connection with anyone in the church. So again it comes back to them judging people whom they do not know because they are not publicly beating their chest and promoting all the "amazing" ministry they are doing? That seems rather dangerous. And they claim people are not passionate during worship because they are not jumping up and down and putting on a show for others to see? I am not sure when or how we began to think it was OK to judge a persons heart based on them not acting like us? And for the record I have never seen anyone in a still or quiet posture of reverence looking around to see if anyone was noticing them. That doesn't hold true with the others. And it would be foolish to require everyone to truly worship God from their hearts by acting the same way. After all God created people not drones. If you like to get crazy during worship great, do it before God and not man and don't require others to follow your heart!
Number 3, allowing experience to dictate truth and using experiences as the lens through which they process the Bible. Our experiences do not trump Biblical principles. There are many NEW teachings that lack Biblical context.They have come from someone reading a small portion of scripture removed from original context and applying that to an experience they have had in the past.This is most evident in revivalist leaders lack of a desire for any type of structured Biblical study. I am not a promoter of everything needs to be structured. However if there is no systematic studying of scripture there is no foundation or growth! There also is no truth to apply when examining the fruits of your "spirit led time." Every thought, vision, word, dream, "prophesy" should be weighed against the COMPLETE, infallible Word of God. Removing systematic studying of scripture and developing solid Bible knowledge removes all safety nets and will leave the church in shambles! This has been illustrated time and time again throughout history.
Number 4, the inability to constructively talk about their thoughts or teachings. In discussing differences I have not yet found a more defensive circle of people. They are speakers not listeners. Many conversations have been steam rolled by a formulated defense that has been programmed rather than a discussion around a topic. There appears to be a complete lack of submitting to authority unless it is in line with their current thoughts. We don't have to spend long shooting holes in this. There is a mystery to the Gospel, we don't have all the answers. So we should always be willing to discuss teachings and approaches openly and confidently knowing that iron sharpens iron.
And the final one at least for this post, the presence of legalism! They are introducing formulas for evangelism and methods and ways that need to be followed, it is nothing short of religion! They are hitting the streets, diners, buses, trains, anywhere they can get an audience. I have countless stories of people left in the wake of destruction from this hit and run evangelism. It's like the old cartoon of the flamboyant Christian helping (dragging) the elderly lady across a street that she never intended to cross. Jesus said make disciples not converts! A 3 minutes sermon to a forced audience that ends with the words "all you have to do" at best is creating a false sense of security. But more often than not is pushing people further from the Truth. Also, how is demanding that someone has an ailment that God wants to heal and then insisting that they allow you to pray for them compassionate or loving? Where is the Biblical example for this style of healing and compassion? And don't respond with Jesus healed everyone. Although very true the multitudes CAME TO HIM! He didn't have to force Himself upon them! Jesus sent the disciples to those who would welcome them!
In conclusion, if you are not willing to SERVE one, and get MESSY with one, then you will never reach the multitudes. Jesus laid aside divinity to enter humanity as a SERVANT! Instead of seeking revival seek Jesus. Instead of calling out the many be willing to get messy with one! Instead of pursuing your next experience pursue those far from God in your immediate circle of influence. Be willing to walk with them through the struggles of life. If you are not in it for the long haul, you not in it at all! If you are not serving one well you don't have the capacity to serve the multitudes and you need to lay aside the pride and repent! Seek Jesus not revival!
As you reflect on the Cross remember the true characteristics of a Savior who served! Celebrate the empty tomb, strive to reflect God's glory to those far from Him, humble yourself before the cross and experience this Easter season like never before!
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